Edge Workshop Personal Page

A simple template based on minimal jekyll theme



Personal page (<username>.github.io)

1. Fork the repository

Fork the repository from here by clicking the fork button on the top right corner.

2. Rename the repository

Go to Settings -> Repository name and write down <username>.github.io.

Project page (<username>.github.io/<myproject>)

1. Fork the repository

Fork the repository from here by clicking the fork button on the top right corner.

2. Enable GitHub Pages

Go to Settings -> GitHub Pages in your fork of the repository. Under source select master branch.


Configuring the site

Edit the _config.yml file and change the site title and description. Remove the setup.md file (optional).

Adding pages

To add a new page you need to create a new markdown file with the name of your choice. For example here setup.md file is used to generate content for the setup page.


There are currently two layouts: default and full. In the default layout a sidebar containing navigation is present whereas in full layout the full page is reserved for page content. The full layout can be selected by adding a yaml front matter to the markdown/html file:

layout: full

The navigation bar can be controlled by modifying the _config.yml file. Under navigation enter the title you would like to see on the sidebar and enter the relative link to that page.

More customization

Take a look at minimal theme page to see all the theme options: click here.

Serving from the docs folder

You can also serve the website from the docs folder. This is especially useful for project pages to keep the website files and project files separate. You basically need to keep all the files for the webpage in a folder named docs and in step 2 under source select master branch/docs folder. More info here.

Resources and Tutorials

More tutorials on github pages, markdown and Jekyll can be found here: